What do other people see in you?
May 20, 2022Perhaps you’ve already had a psychometric test as part of your in your job?
Or maybe you’re thinking about putting in personality profiling, to make sure you’ve got the right team in place? Perhaps you’d be looking at Myers Briggs; maybe you’ve been looking at other systems be able to do this, but have you thought, what you’re going to use that information for, and how you can make it benefit you?
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In today’s article, we’re going to look at and think about how we can use information from psychometric profiling to benefit your organisation.
Now, when you talk about psychometric profiling, some people are just distraught with dread. They believe it’s these kinds of long questionnaires which lead to a nonsensical answer, which pigeonholes them into some box, which they don’t think they’re part of.
Now, the thing is, we all have traits because we’re all different. We’re unique. We do things in our own way. But these characteristics and styles of working can come out in ways that we didn’t expect because of how we’ve learned to deal with situations over our lifetime.
These learned behaviours and responses are what we are looking at in psychometric profiling.
Now, the information gathered only gives you an indication of your personality profile and how you may respond to other people. This is not an exact science. It’s not a case of saying okay, I’m an introvert on the Myers Briggs profile, and I’m always going to be introverted. You may have scored as an introvert today, but tomorrow, you may score as an extrovert. Depending on how you’re feeling, what is your mood at a point in time. You will find that some of your profiles change over time; this is because we all learn Innovative ways you adapt to new situations. You then incorporate these new traits into being part of who you are you are, and what your psyche is. So, this profile is an ever-changing and shifting pattern.
So how can you use them in your organisation to build an excellent performance team to make things work?
Now the thing is, for me, what I find works is to have a better appreciation and understanding about how people are going to react. Especially when you start to build a team, you put 2, 3, 4 or more people together into a group and you can expect them to work in a specific way. But what you’ll find is that out of all their profiles, some of them may rub each other the wrong way and cause distress or concern. They may not communicate well together because they don’t naturally understand that the other person doesn’t always get or understand something they do. They’re not of the same mindset and it’s not the way that they think.
But in teamwork, how many people change the way they communicate with other people? How many people try to change how they adapt to different personal needs, to understand and how the other person needs to communicate with them?
The crux is having profiles in place and sharing that information.
If you share some of the information with the whole team, then straight away, people should appreciate there may be a better way of approaching somebody. This approach is an easy way that can help the team understand more about you and each other and what you’re trying to tell them.
We’ve all heard the adage that says; “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”.
I understand and certainly the way that I used to think that you should always treat people who expect to be treated yourself, whereas the reality is that you need to treat people the way that they expect to be treated.
Moreover, as soon as you start to understand and apply these techniques, indeed you’ll find that people can understand, recognize and communicate with you and each other more, they’ll appreciate you more, and you’ll get a hell of a lot more done.
So, this is something else to think about over the coming week ahead and how you could incorporate these kinds of profiles in building your great team.