Martin Sharp Interviewed on the Crossroads Podcast with Stephen Beer talking about the importance of a personalised fitness approach

Interviewed on the Crossroads Podcast with Stephen Beer talking about the importance of a personalised fitness approach

diet & nutrition fitness & lifestyle interview mindset motivation passion performance podcast Aug 19, 2022

I’ve just been interviewed on the Crossroads Podcast with Stephen Beer, and I’ve spoken about the importance of a personalised fitness approach you can see the interview here 

A big thank you to Stephen Beer

Martin Sharp shared a personal and transformative story about his journey to better health, starting with a difficult moment on a family trip to Florida. Unable to fit in a roller coaster seat, Martin realized he needed to make changes. Despite trying various diets and fitness plans, he struggled to maintain consistency due to his busy work schedule. It wasn’t until he met an online coach who helped him align his fitness goals with his core values—family, friends, and clients—that he found lasting success. Martin now advocates for personalized fitness approaches that fit into busy lives, and he offers support to those on similar journeys.