Professional Why Finder Martin sharp talking about experience as a TEDx Speaker

Interviewed by Cheryl Chapman - Professional Why Finder talking about experience as a TEDx Speaker

interview mindset motivation passion podcast public speaking Jul 31, 2020

I’ve just been interviewed by Cheryl Chapman - Professional Why Finder and I’ve spoken about my experience as a TEDx Speaker and you can see the interview here 

A big thank you to Cheryl Chapman

Martin Sharp, an international coach, speaker, and mentor, was interviewed about his experience speaking at the TEDx Amy Top Women event in December 2019. Martin shared how delivering a TEDx talk allowed him to break free from the jargon-filled corporate world and communicate his ideas in a more accessible way, impacting a diverse audience. He emphasized the power of combining different aspects of life and work ("the power of and") to achieve fulfillment, a theme he explored in his talk. Martin also discussed the personal transformation he underwent, including significant weight loss and improved health, while continuing to grow his business.

The interview highlighted Martin’s pride in being the only male speaker at the event, where he felt honored to share the stage with transformational women. He reflected on the positive energy of the event and the supportive atmosphere, contrasting it with the adversarial environments he’s encountered in other professional settings. Martin also mentioned the importance of professional guidance in refining his TEDx talk, despite his extensive experience as a speaker and coach.

Overall, Martin conveyed the significance of seeking professional help, even for seasoned professionals, to ensure a message is impactful and well-received. He expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to share his message on a TEDx platform and encouraged others to pursue similar opportunities to spread their ideas.