How do you spend your time?
May 20, 2022In today’s article, we’re going to be thinking about what it is that you’re currently spending your time on.
Because time is one of the most precious things you have, wouldn’t you agree? Because we can make more money, but we can never make more time. We’re all born with a certain amount of time in our lives, and we must make sure that we use it in the best way we possibly can.
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So, what is it that you are spending your time doing? And can you use that precious time doing things better?
Now we can analyse our time for a variety of reasons, either to improve personal life balance or your business life balance. Now one thing I’ve found that helps me, and it may be able to help you is looking at how we spend my time daily and weekly. Where is it that I’m utilising my precious time and could there be a better way to use that time.
Now for me, there are three key questions to ask.
The first question is, where do I believe I’m spending my time?
Therefore, we need to write down the different tasks that we have or are dealing with now. Also, we need to understand what percentage of time we spend doing each one of those tasks? From a business perspective, of how much time do we spend running All those critical aspects of the business or building relationships with clients? Then look at your home life. How much time do I spend with my kids? How much time do I spend on each part of our downtime?
I always find time to I spend my wife, but how much time do you spend with friends and fun and relaxing? Again, write down what percentage you “believe” you’re spending doing each of these things?
Now, the next crucial question to ask yourself is, and this is important.
How much time would you like to spend time doing each of those things?
So, think again about each section you thought about previously, from your business perspective, how much time do you want to spend with HR issues? How much time do you want to spend building relationships or R&D, or all those other aspects of the business? And then how much time would you like to spend in your home life relaxing, with your friends, family or your children, or maybe learning something new?
The final step is to work out and track yourself accurately on each of those critical aspects that you made a note of in the previous two steps.
So, by keeping a daily diary of how long you did take on doing those things. You will see how many hours you did spend with work-related things and how many hours with home life and your relaxation time.
Because straightaway, you’ll be able to see where there is a disparity between what you believe you’re doing and what you are truly doing, and the reality of what you want to do.
So how much time did you spend on doing that research and development? Did you spend too much time on HR and not enough with the family? Maybe you’re closer than you think, or further away.
The critical thing is you will then be able to make a plan on how you can go from what you are now to where you want to be in the future, and then make your belief on how you spend your time, more of a reality.
So, I give you this challenge, go and workout out how you are spending your time, where it is you’d like to spend your time and how you can make that whish an achievable reality.