Featured in Western Daily Press about underdogs like Eddie so snow sculpture a fitting tribute'

Featured in Western Daily Press about underdogs like Eddie so snow sculpture a fitting tribute'

fitness & lifestyle mindset motivation passion performance press & media Jan 26, 2022

I’ve just been featured in Western Daily Press about underdogs like Eddie so snow sculpture a fitting tribute' and you can see the article here https://www.pressreader.com/uk/western-daily-press/20220126/281586653981624 

A big thank you to Kate Pounds

Two British snow sculptors, Justin Scott and Martin Sharp, created a massive ice tribute to Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards' iconic ski jump from the 1988 Winter Olympics. Using 100 tonnes of snow, they crafted a 15-meter sculpture in Austria's Tyrolean Alps, featuring Olympic rings and flames. Competing as underdogs against professional teams, they placed fourth. Despite freezing conditions, they enjoyed the experience, valuing the joy and interaction their work brought to spectators. Eddie Edwards appreciated the tribute, highlighting its unique and uplifting nature.