Featured in The York Press about York sculptor bids to create Eddie the Eagle out of 100 tonne pile of snow

fitness & lifestyle mindset motivation passion performance press & media Jan 12, 2022

I’ve just been featured in The York Press about York sculptor bids to create Eddie the Eagle out of 100 tonne pile of snow and you can see the article here https://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/19839695.york-sculptor-bids-create-eddie-eagle-100-tonne-pile-snow/ 

A big thank you to Emily Horner Digital Reporter 

Yorkshire sculptor Martin Sharp and his friend Justin Scott are embarking on an ambitious project to create a giant sculpture of Eddie the Eagle using 100 tonnes of snow. This creative endeavor aims to honor the famous British ski jumper known for his inspiring performance at the 1988 Winter Olympics. Sharp, a business consultant and fitness coach, and Scott, a tree surgeon and trained sculptor, are combining their skills to bring this snowy tribute to life.