Featured in The York Press about creating sculpture of Eddie the Eagle - the size of a bus

fitness & lifestyle mindset motivation passion performance press & media Jan 25, 2022

I’ve just been featured in The York Press about creating sculpture of Eddie the Eagle - the size of a bus and you can see the article here https://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/19870437.york-man-creates-sculpture-eddie-eagle---size-bus/ 

A big thank you to Emily Horner Digital Reporter

Hey there, entrepreneurs and business mavens! I’ve got an inspiring story that blends creativity, perseverance, and a dash of winter magic – perfect for your next boardroom tale or motivational speech.

Two friends from Yorkshire, Martin Sharp and Justin Scott, crafted an extraordinary snow sculpture of the iconic Olympic ski jumper, Eddie the Eagle Edwards. But here’s the kicker: this masterpiece was the size of a double-decker bus! They brought their creation to life at the Ischgl international snow sculpture competition in Austria, despite facing fierce competition from some of the world's best snow sculptors.

Martin, a business consultant and fitness coach, and Justin, a tree surgeon with a passion for figurative sculpting, spent days meticulously shaping their colossal tribute to Eddie. Their hard work paid off, earning them a commendable fourth place in the competition, a significant achievement given their non-snowy home turf.

The journey wasn’t without its challenges. Weather fluctuations demanded strategic planning, and logistical hiccups, like broken spades and equipment mishaps, tested their resolve. But Martin and Justin persevered, driven by their love for interactive art and the joy of seeing visitors engage with their work. They watched as children climbed the stairs of the sculpture, mimicking Eddie the Eagle at the top of the ski jump, and families captured memories against the breathtaking backdrop of the mountains.

This story isn’t just about a remarkable snow sculpture; it’s a testament to the power of dedication, teamwork, and overcoming obstacles. Whether you’re launching a new product, tackling a tough project, or striving for a personal goal, remember Martin and Justin’s journey. They turned a snowy dream into a towering reality, inspiring others along the way. So, go ahead and carve out your own path to success – no matter how big the challenge, you’ve got this!

Keep soaring high!