Featured in The Northern Echo about Eddie the Eagle snow sculpture

Featured in The Northern Echo about Eddie the Eagle snow sculpture (and it's the size of a double-decker bus)

fitness & lifestyle mindset motivation passion performance press & media Jan 25, 2022

I’ve just been featured in The Northern Echo about Eddie the Eagle snow sculpture (and it's the size of a double-decker bus) and you can see the article here https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/19872470.york-man-creates-sculpture-eddie-eagle---size-bus/ 

A big thank you to Emily Horner Digital Reporter

York artist Martin Sharp and Justin Scott from Driffield has created an extraordinary sculpture of Eddie the Eagle, the famous British ski jumper, that is the size of a bus. The impressive piece of art celebrates Eddie's underdog spirit and determination, traits that have inspired many since his participation in the 1988 Winter Olympics.

Scott & Sharps' sculpture aims to encapsulate the essence of Eddie's journey, symbolizing how he soared to fame despite finishing last in his events. Eddie Edwards' story is a testament to perseverance, embodying the Olympic spirit where participation and effort are celebrated as much as winning​ (coachmaguk)​​ (HistoryvsHollywood.com)​​ (Peoplemag)​.

This massive sculpture not only highlights Eddie's iconic status but also serves as a reminder that success isn't always measured by medals or victories but by the courage to pursue one's dreams against all odds. Entrepreneurs and business professionals can draw inspiration from Eddie's journey, embracing resilience and a positive attitude in the face of challenges​ (Paris 2024 Olympics)​​ (Smithsonian Magazine)​.

By creating this monumental sculpture, Justin & Martin contributes to the legacy of Eddie the Eagle, encouraging all to appreciate the power of determination and the beauty of striving for greatness, no matter the outcome.