Featured in MO2VATE MEDIA Magazine talking about Improving your bodily and muscular power!

fitness & lifestyle performance press & media Oct 01, 2021

I’ve just been featured in MO2VATE MEDIA MAGAZINE and I’ve spoken about Improving your bodily and muscular power!

A big thank you to Sharon Brown Editor of MO2VATE 

Improving Your Bodily and Muscular Power

Hey there, power seekers! Let's dive into boosting your raw muscular strength – the kind that not only powers you through daily tasks but also helps you tackle those stubborn jar lids.

Building Muscle: The Science Behind It

Growing muscle cells happens through both everyday activities and dedicated exercise. And guess what? Research has nailed down three main methods for muscle growth. Coaches might have their preferences, but understanding these methods will give you a well-rounded approach.

The Three Methods to Muscle Growth

  1. Mechanical Tension: Powerlifters love this method. It involves lifting heavier weights progressively, which stimulates muscle growth. However, it's essential to focus on specific muscles to avoid injuries.

  2. Metabolic Stress: Bodybuilders often use this method, performing high reps with low weights to create a pump. This increases blood flow, nutrients, and lactic acid in your muscles, making them swell.

  3. Muscle Damage and Repair (DOMS): This method measures your progress by the soreness you feel after a workout. The body repairs the damaged muscles, leading to increased muscle size and strength through adaptation.

Integrating the Methods: Your Action Plan

To maximize your gains with minimal risk, use a combination of all three methods. Here's how to get started:

  1. Start with Low Weights: Focus on your mind-muscle connection. This allows your muscles to adapt and reduces injury risk.

  2. Understand the Three Phases of Movement:

    • Concentric Phase: Shorten the muscle explosively (like curling a bicep).
    • Isometric Phase: Hold the muscle at its peak contraction (think planks).
    • Eccentric Phase: Slowly elongate the muscle by resisting gravity.

    Deliberately working on each phase increases your total time under load.

  3. Combine Methods in Your Workouts: Begin with exercises focusing on mechanical tension, and end with high-rep, low-rest sets for metabolic stress. The resulting soreness (DOMS) will indicate you've pushed your muscles to their limits.


By using these three proven methods, you can efficiently build strength while minimizing risk. Just like a smart business deal, this approach offers more gains with less effort. Remember, investing in your health is as valuable as any business venture. So, implement these strategies and watch your strength soar!