Featured in MO2VATE MEDIA Magazine talking about A Message of Hope

business fitness & lifestyle mindset motivation passion performance press & media prosperity Dec 11, 2021

I’ve just been featured in MO2VATE MEDIA MAGAZINE and I’ve spoken about A Message Of Hope

A big thank you to Sharon Brown Editor of MO2VATE 

Dum Spiro Spero: The Power of Hope

Do you find yourself caught between the commercial buzz and the traditional messages of Christmas? It’s likely a bit of both, and that’s perfectly okay. In the UK, it’s common to take a break, indulge in festivities, and exchange gifts to cherish those we care about. However, one of the most profound messages of Christmas, shared with celebrations like Eid and Diwali, is hope. Hope symbolizes the potential for a better, more significant future.

Hope, though not a solution on its own, has a powerful psychological impact. It helps us manage stress and anxiety by fostering the belief that we can make a difference, which, when paired with action, truly makes a difference. At the start of any venture, be it a new business or a personal transformation, hope precedes proof. We launch businesses, test markets, and invest in the future, all driven by hope for success.

Imagine embarking on a health and fitness journey without hope of achieving your goals. It’s hope that motivates us to push boundaries and try new things until we find what works. Conversely, hoping for the worst would be utterly demotivating. Who would get out of bed if they anticipated a terrible day?

However, hope should not be blind optimism. The saying “hope for the best and plan for the worst” underscores the balance between optimism and preparedness. Just as you might prepare for mishaps on a holiday by keeping a separate payment card, or diversify investments to spread risk, balancing hope with realistic planning is crucial.

Living by the motto “dum spiro spero” (while I breathe, I hope) means being a realist who backs hope with action and planning. This Christmas, take a moment to appreciate the hope that has driven your ventures and changes. Remember, with hope, you stay motivated to continue making a difference in the future.