Man Loosing almost 60 kilos after not being allowed on Harry Potter ride in Florida

Featured in Metro World News talking about Homem perde quase 60 quilos após ser barrado em brinquedos na Flórida

diet & nutrition fitness & lifestyle mindset motivation performance press & media Oct 31, 2023

I’ve just been featured in Metro World News talking about Homem perde quase 60 quilos após ser barrado em brinquedos na Flórida and you can see the article here 

A big thank you to Edmur Santana de Silva

Martin Sharp, a 47-year-old from York, England, lost nearly 60 kilograms after being denied access to rides at Universal Studios Orlando due to his weight. This experience motivated him to embark on a weight loss journey. After various failed attempts, he found success by applying business management techniques to his fitness goals, including setting clear targets and milestones. His routine now includes daily cardio, resistance training, and a varied diet. Martin's transformation has inspired him to help others improve their health and fitness.

For more details, visit the full article here.