Featured in iNews talking about myths in the fitness industry

Featured in iNews talking about myths in the fitness industry

diet & nutrition fitness & lifestyle passion performance press & media Jun 17, 2023

I’ve just been featured in iNews and I’ve spoken about myths in the fitness industry and you can read the interview here https://inews.co.uk/inews-lifestyle/fitness-myths-debunked-exercise-stretching-carbs-2415410

A big thank you to Judy Cogan

Here’s a quick rundown on some fitness myths and why debunking them can make a huge difference in your workout routine:

  1. No Pain, No Gain: You don’t need to suffer to see results. Swapping intense workouts for activities like yoga or Pilates can improve your fitness while protecting your body from injury.

  2. Stretching Before a Workout: Static stretching before exercise isn't as effective as you might think. Instead, go for an active warm-up to prep your muscles and get your blood flowing.

  3. Walk 10,000 Steps a Day: That 10,000-step goal? It’s arbitrary. Aim for 6,000-8,000 steps daily for solid health benefits. Even 4,400 steps can make a difference.

  4. Rest Days Are Lazy: Rest days are essential. They allow your muscles to recover and grow stronger, preventing injuries.

  5. Targeting Specific Areas of Fat: You can’t burn fat in just one spot. A balanced diet and consistent cardio are the way to reduce fat across your body.

  6. Exercising Means You Can Eat Anything: You can’t out-train a bad diet. Healthy eating fuels your workouts and keeps your body functioning at its best.

  7. Weights Aren’t for Everyone: Weight training is for all ages and fitness levels. It improves strength, balance, and overall health, especially as you age.

  8. Ice Baths for Recovery: Ice baths may reduce inflammation but can slow down muscle growth. Focus on recovery techniques that support long-term progress.

  9. Longer Workouts Are Better: It’s not about the time, it’s about the intensity. Short, focused workouts can be just as effective, especially if you’re strapped for time.

  10. Pregnant Women Shouldn’t Run: If you were running before pregnancy, it’s generally safe to continue. Staying active during pregnancy has multiple health benefits.

  11. ‘Just Do It’ Works for Everyone: Motivation and enjoyment are key. Find a form of exercise you love, and you’re more likely to stick with it.

  12. Burning Fat on an Empty Stomach: While training fasted can burn fat, eating before a workout can enhance performance and help with weight loss in the long run.

  13. It’s Normal to Be Less Active With Age: Staying active as you age is crucial for maintaining strength, heart health, and overall well-being.

  14. Muscle Turns to Fat: Muscle and fat are entirely different tissues. If you stop working out, you might gain fat, but your muscle won’t "turn into" fat.

  15. Yoga Is Just Stretching: Yoga is much more than stretching. It combines movement, breath, and meditation to improve both mental and physical health.

  16. Carbs Are the Enemy: Carbs are essential for energy and overall health. Focus on complex carbs like whole grains and vegetables rather than cutting them out entirely.

  17. Sleeping Is Cheating: Sleep is crucial for recovery and overall health. It’s when your body repairs and recharges, so don’t skimp on rest.

  18. You Must Eat Protein After Exercise: Protein is important, but it’s the balance with carbs that counts, especially after a workout.

These myths have shaped many of our approaches to fitness, but understanding the truth behind them can help you train smarter, avoid injuries, and stay motivated on your fitness journey.