Featured in Heaven Publicity about Eddie ‘The Eagle’ Edwards created out of snow

fitness & lifestyle mindset motivation passion performance press & media Jan 07, 2022

I’ve just been featured in Heaven Publicity about Eddie ‘The Eagle’ Edwards will be created out of snow during the international Shapes in White competition in Ischgl, Austrian Tirol and you can see the article here https://heavenpublicity.co.uk/eddie-the-eagle-edwards-will-be-created-out-of-snow-during-the-international-shapes-in-white-competition-in-ischgl-austrian-tirol/ 

Eddie ‘The Eagle’ Edwards will be immortalized in snow during the Shapes in White competition in Ischgl, Austrian Tirol. Sculptors Justin Scott and Martin Sharp from the UK will craft a snow sculpture of Edwards, competing with international artists from January 10-14, 2022. This event, celebrating its 28th anniversary, features artists using 100 tonnes of snow to create winter sports-themed sculptures. The best sculpture will be awarded by an Ischgl jury, and the creations will be on display until the spring thaw.

For more details, visit Heaven Publicity.