Featured in GQ South Africa Magazine talking about How to make fitness a lasting habit and choose the right gym

Featured in GQ South Africa Magazine talking about How to make fitness a lasting habit and choose the right gym

fitness & lifestyle mindset motivation performance performance coaching press & media Jan 21, 2023

I’ve just been featured in GQ South Africa Magazine talking about How to make fitness a lasting habit and choose the right gym and you can see the interview here https://www.gq.co.za/culture/fitness/expert-tips-how-to-make-fitness-a-lasting-habit-and-choose-the-right-gym-46ff5a4f-8d39-4c0c-9060-224764551878 

A big thank you to Shannon Manuel

To make fitness a lasting habit and choose the right gym, consider these expert tips:

  1. Choose Convenience: Pick a gym that's easy to get to, aligning with your schedule.
  2. Find the Right Trainer: Ensure your personal trainer's personality matches yours and they take a holistic approach to fitness.
  3. Avoid Distractions: Steer clear of gyms with amenities that might distract you from your workout.
  4. Build a Habit: Link your fitness goals to personal values and enjoy the process.
  5. Motivate Yourself: Emphasize the negative impact of inactivity to stay motivated.

For more detailed tips, check the full article here.