Featured in GQ France Magazine talking about how cardiovascular exercise can aid sexual health

Featured in GQ France Magazine talking about how cardiovascular exercise can aid sexual health

fitness & lifestyle passion performance press & media Mar 18, 2024

I’ve just been featured in GQ France Magazine and I’ve spoken about how cardiovascular exercise can aid sexual health and you can read the interview here https://www.gqmagazine.fr/article/troubles-de-l-erection-certaines-activites-physiques-simples-a-faire-natation-running-seraient-aussi-efficaces-que-le-viagra 

A big thank you to Adèle Thiéry

Physical activity can be just as effective as Viagra for combating erectile dysfunction (ED). According to a study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, certain types of aerobic exercises—like running, cycling, brisk walking, or swimming—can significantly improve erectile function. These activities enhance cardiovascular health, boost heart efficiency, and reduce stress, all of which play a critical role in reducing ED.

When you engage in sustained, low-intensity cardio, your heart gets stronger, circulation improves, and the body releases endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones. This combination not only promotes general well-being but also addresses the physical and psychological factors behind ED. The study found that regular aerobic exercise was particularly effective for those with severe ED, showing improvements on par with those achieved by medications like Viagra.

So, integrating these activities into your routine isn't just about staying fit—it's a powerful way to maintain and even enhance your sexual health.