Featured in French GQ Magazin talking about zone 2 cardio training

Featured in French GQ Magazin talking about zone 2 cardio training

fitness & lifestyle performance press & media Jun 05, 2023

I’ve just been featured in French GQ Magazin talking about zone 2 cardio training and you can see the article here https://www.gqmagazine.fr/article/zone-2-cardio-entrainement 

A big thank you to David Taylor

Zone 2 cardio training is a powerful tool for entrepreneurs, business owners, consultants, and busy professionals looking to optimize their fitness and health without overexerting themselves. Here’s a motivational overview to get you started:

What is Zone 2 Cardio?

Zone 2 cardio refers to exercising at an intensity where your heart rate is between 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. This zone is known for its ability to improve aerobic capacity and overall endurance. The exercise feels comfortable and sustainable, allowing you to hold a conversation while working out. Activities like brisk walking, easy jogging, cycling, or swimming at a steady pace are typical Zone 2 exercises.

Benefits of Zone 2 Training

  1. Builds Aerobic Base: Zone 2 training enhances your aerobic capacity, laying a strong foundation for more intense workouts. It helps your body become more efficient at utilizing oxygen and fat as fuel, which is crucial for endurance activities.

  2. Improves Heart Health: Regular Zone 2 training strengthens your heart, improving its ability to pump blood efficiently. This can lead to a lower resting heart rate and reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  3. Enhances Recovery: Because it’s less taxing on the body, Zone 2 training facilitates quicker recovery compared to high-intensity workouts. This makes it perfect for those with busy schedules, allowing consistent training without the need for extended rest periods.

  4. Burns Fat Efficiently: Training in Zone 2 predominantly uses fat as an energy source, which can help with weight management and metabolic health. It’s often referred to as the "fat-burning zone" for this reason.

How to Calculate Your Zone 2 Heart Rate

To find your Zone 2 heart rate, subtract your age from 220 to get your maximum heart rate, then multiply this number by 0.6 and 0.7. For instance, a 40-year-old would aim for a heart rate between 108 and 126 beats per minute during Zone 2 workouts.

How to Incorporate Zone 2 Training

  1. Start Slow: Begin with 20-30 minutes per session and gradually increase the duration as your fitness improves.
  2. Consistency is Key: Aim for 3-4 sessions per week to reap the full benefits.
  3. Monitor Your Heart Rate: Use a heart rate monitor or a fitness tracker to ensure you stay within the Zone 2 range.

Final Encouragement

Incorporating Zone 2 cardio into your routine can significantly enhance your health, productivity, and overall well-being. It’s a sustainable and effective way to boost your fitness without overwhelming your busy schedule. Start today, and experience the transformation as you build a strong, resilient, and healthier body.

By understanding and applying Zone 2 training principles, you’re not just investing in your fitness but also in your long-term health and efficiency as a professional​.