Featured in Better talking about FIGHTING THE FITNESS FREEZE ACROSS THE UK

Featured in Better talking about FIGHTING THE FITNESS FREEZE ACROSS THE UK

fitness & lifestyle performance press & media Nov 02, 2023

I’ve just been featured in Better talking about FIGHTING THE FITNESS FREEZE ACROSS THE UK and you can see the interview here https://www.better.org.uk/lp/fitness-freeze 

The "Fitness Freeze" article from Better explores the trend of reduced exercise during winter due to colder temperatures and darker evenings. It highlights that regions like Scotland and cities like Glasgow see significant drops in fitness activity, while places like Swansea and Preston increase their exercise efforts. The article emphasizes the mental health benefits of staying active in winter, including combating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It offers practical tips for winter workouts, such as wearing appropriate clothing, staying hydrated, and considering indoor or group activities.

For more details, visit Better's Fitness Freeze.