Featured in BBC News about Eddie the Eagle's Olympic jump recreated in giant sculpture

fitness & lifestyle mindset motivation passion performance press & media Jan 14, 2022

I’ve just been featured in BBC News about Eddie the Eagle's Olympic jump recreated in giant sculpture and you can see the article here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-59985266

A big thank you to the BBC East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire team

In a remarkable artistic feat, two British snow sculptors, Justin Scott and Martin Sharp, have recreated Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards' iconic Olympic ski jump in a massive ice sculpture. Using 100 tonnes of snow, their artwork, the length of a double-decker bus, was crafted for an international competition in Austria’s Tyrolean Alps. The sculpture pays homage to Edwards, a famed underdog from the 1988 Winter Olympics. Despite limited resources, the sculptors hope their tribute will stand out in the competition, showcasing their dedication and creativity​ (BBC)​ .