When things don't go to plan

When Things Don't Go To Plan

schedule May 21, 2024

I just finished a coaching session with an amazing person and wanted to share some thoughts that may resonate with you and may even help you in your venture.

The first is: Aim for progress, not perfection! This is easy to say but harder to do, especially when ego raises its head, you have an unexpected result, or you are just having a bad day. The thing is, even attempting something is progress because how many people do you know who never attempt anything or give up at the first sign of a problem? You are not like that. Success begets success.

Secondly, as the old military saying goes, "the map is not the territory”, meaning that if the plan you have is wrong, every plan is, because in theory (when creating the plan), theory and practice are the same when in practice (or life when executing the plan) things are different, and things change. If you think a plan is pointless, then you may be right, though the planning process is invaluable, and monitoring your plan gives you valuable insights. So when your plan proves to be wrong, change it based on the learnings you've acquired.

Thirdly, you have to launch and then see how it goes. If you never do it, you’ll never know! Waiting until you have everything in place before starting to make a change will mean you are constantly waiting. The right time is now, the right place is here, and the right person is you!

Have a super day and have fun; after all, you have one life, live it!