Sugar Tax UK

How the UK Sugar Tax is Changing Your Beverage Choices: A Deep Dive for Busy Professionals

diet & nutrition fitness & lifestyle insights performance Jun 10, 2024

How the Sugar Tax is Changing Your Beverage Choices: A Deep Dive for Busy Professionals

Hey there, business trailblazers! If you’re someone who’s constantly on the go, managing projects, clients, and maybe even a family, staying healthy can feel like just another item on your never-ending to-do list. Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s been bubbling under the surface: the Soft Drinks Industry Levy (SDIL), more commonly known as the ‘sugar tax,’ and how it’s subtly transforming your beverage options. 

soft drinks in red crate

The Rise of No-Sugar and Low-Sugar Drinks

Before the sugar tax came into play, those of us looking for no-sugar or low-sugar drink options had slim pickings. You were probably familiar with the usual suspects: Diet Coke, Coke Zero, and Pepsi Max. However, the sugar tax has significantly broadened the market. Now, you can find no-sugar versions of just about every type of drink—from sparkling waters and iced teas to energy drinks and flavoured waters.

Why is this happening? The sugar tax was designed to encourage manufacturers to reduce the sugar content in their products to avoid higher taxes. As a result, they’ve innovated and expanded their offerings to include a wider variety of no-sugar and low-sugar drinks. This means more choices for you without compromising on taste.

Sugar Tax receipt with sugar cubes and spoon

Why You Should Still Be Cautious

Despite the increased variety, it’s important to remain mindful about your consumption of carbonated drinks and sugar alternatives. Here’s why:

  1. Appetite Stimulation: Sugar alternatives, like aspartame and sucralose, can sometimes stimulate your appetite. This can lead to increased cravings and potentially more snacking or eating than you actually need. For busy professionals, this could mean reaching for unhealthy snacks between meetings or during late-night work sessions.

2. Digestive Health: Some sugar substitutes can have a laxative effect or cause digestive discomfort. While this isn’t the case for everyone, it’s worth noting if you find yourself experiencing these issues.

Laxitive stomach pain

Balancing Your Beverage Choices

So, how can you make the best beverage choices to support your busy lifestyle while keeping health in mind? Here are a few tips:

  1. Stay Hydrated with Water: It’s a classic recommendation, but water is always the best choice. If plain water doesn’t excite you, try infusing it with fruits or herbs for a burst of flavour without the sugar.
  2. Limit Carbonated Drinks: Enjoy them in moderation. Even the no-sugar options can have downsides if consumed in excess.
  3. Watch for Hidden Sugars: Be vigilant about reading labels. Some drinks marketed as healthy can still contain significant amounts of sugar or artificial sweeteners.
  4. Experiment with Alternatives: There are numerous beverages out there that can provide the refreshment you seek without the drawbacks of sugar or artificial sweeteners. Herbal teas, coconut water, and flavoured sparkling waters can be great options.

Blue water glass background.

The Bottom Line

The sugar tax has undoubtedly increased the variety of no-sugar and low-sugar drinks available to us, which is a win for those looking to reduce their sugar intake. However, it’s crucial to stay informed and make balanced choices to ensure these drinks contribute positively to our overall health.

As entrepreneurs, business owners, and consultants, your time and health are incredibly valuable. By making mindful beverage choices, you can maintain the energy and focus needed to conquer your day.

Stay refreshed, stay healthy, and keep thriving!

Cheers to your success!