Featured on ITV  Calendar Evening News talking about an Incredible Experience—teaming up with my partner, Justin Scott, for an International Snow Sculpting Competition in the Austrian Alps

Featured on ITV Calendar Evening News talking about an Incredible Experience—teaming up with my partner, Justin Scott, for an International Snow Sculpting Competition in the Austrian Alps

interview press & media Jan 17, 2022

I was recently featured on ITV News Calendar, where I had the chance to talk about an incredible experience—teaming up with my partner, Justin Scott, for an international snow sculpting competition in the Austrian Alps. Our subject? The legendary Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards, the British ski jumper who stole hearts during the Winter Olympics https://www.itv.com/news/calendar

 A huge thank you to the ITV News Calendar Evening team for the feature!

 Over five intense days, Justin and I dedicated ourselves to carving Eddie’s likeness from 100 tons of snow. The final sculpture, about the length of a double-decker bus, captured Eddie in mid-jump and included the Olympic rings—highlighting his remarkable journey.

 Eddie is such an inspiring and beloved figure, and it was a true joy to bring his story to life through our work. Capturing the spirit of someone who represents such determination was a special experience, and we were thrilled to contribute to British sports history in this way.

 This was the first time Eddie has been immortalised in a snow sculpture, and we were honoured to be the ones to do it. Although we didn’t take home the top prize, finishing 4th among some of the world’s best sculptors was incredibly rewarding.

 Spending those days in the Austrian Alps, creating this sculpture, is something I’ll always remember. Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards is a true British icon, and celebrating his legacy through our art was absolutely unforgettable.