Martin Sharp Featured on BBC Radio York Daytime Show with Joanita Musisi talking about Heading to Nyaro Japan for Our Next Snow Sculpting Adventure - Morning

Featured on BBC Radio York Daytime Show with Joanita Musisi talking about Heading to Nyaro Japan for Our Next Snow Sculpting Adventure - Morning

interview press & media Feb 01, 2024

I was recently featured on BBC Radio York Daytime Show with Joanita Musisi talking about embarking on our latest snow sculpting adventure—this time in Nyaro, Japan with friend Justin Scott. BBC Radio York 

A massive thank you to the BBC Radio York Daytime Show team!

We embark on our latest snow sculpting adventure—this time in Japan. We’ve been working together for years, creating amazing snow sculptures in places like Austria and Sweden, and now we’re thrilled to be competing in the 21st International Snow Sculpting Competition, Japan Cup.

Our project this time is something really special. We’ll be creating a three-meter diameter sculpture called "Inyo," inspired by the concept of light and dark in Japanese culture. The design features two embryos—one representing human life and the other artificial intelligence. The sculpture will have a tunnel running through it, allowing light to pass through and adding a dynamic element to the piece.

Preparing for a competition like this is a bit different from our usual work. In the UK, we don’t have the kind of snow that’s suitable for practice, so we spend a lot of time discussing ideas, sketching, and visualising how we’ll execute the design. Once we’re on-site, we’ll have four days to bring the sculpture to life, with each day focused on different stages—from rough shaping to fine detailing.

This time, we have an extra pair of hands—my wife Sarah will be joining us, making it a three-person team for the first time. Sarah’s new to snow sculpting, thought she’ll be helping with everything from shaping the sculpture to ensuring our workspace is safe and organised.

Justin and I have had some incredible experiences over the years, from creating a massive Eddie the Eagle sculpture to carving out intricate designs like the Ringmaster and Jaws. Each project has its own challenges and rewards, but this one feels particularly special because of the unique cultural inspiration behind it.

We’ll be heading out soon, with a long journey ahead of us—from York to Manchester, then to Tokyo, and finally to the competition site in Ashikawa on Hokkaido Island. It’s going to be a whirlwind trip, but we’re ready for the challenge and excited to see what we can create.

Thank you for all the support, and we’ll be sure to share plenty of photos from our time in Japan. Fingers crossed for a great result—we’re aiming high, and we can’t wait to see how it all turns out!