Featured in The Public Speakers University talking about Fat to Fit, Fast and Forever
Mar 13, 2023I’ve just been featured in The Public Speakers University talking about Fat to Fit, Fast and Forever and you can see the presentation here https://youtu.be/6Yqa2uLMu_E?si=XhdfIBff33TezeZO
A big thank you to Andy Harrington Public Speakers University
Imagine a time when you’ve been so caught up in the hustle and bustle of business that you forgot to live your life. This story is about that realization and the transformative journey that followed.
Picture this: December 2014, a baking hot day at Universal Studios in Florida. I was with my kids, eagerly waiting to ride the Incredible Hulk. My daughter Hannah, with her golden locks and sparkly blue eyes, was beside herself with excitement. But there was a twist – we were joined by my mom, who had always dreamed of taking us to Disneyland but never had the means as a single parent. Now, I had the opportunity to fulfill that dream for her and my kids.
However, my excitement was cut short when a park official told me I was too big to fit in the ride's seats. The shock and embarrassment hit hard. This wasn’t an isolated incident; it happened on several rides. But the real wake-up call came later that night when I saw a photo of myself. At 154 kilos (around 340 pounds), I was unrecognizable. My unhealthy lifestyle had caught up with me, and it was time for a change.
I committed to losing weight, joining a gym, hiring a personal trainer, and even trying karate and kickboxing. But despite my efforts, my lifestyle as a busy entrepreneur hindered my progress. I kept falling short, and it was frustrating.
Then, in February 2019, I attended Public Speakers University. There, I met an incredibly fit man who shared his secret: an online fitness coach. Inspired, I decided to try this new approach. The breakthrough came when I aligned my health goals with my core values: my love for my family, my passion for adventure, and my dedication to my clients.
With a personalized plan that fit my busy lifestyle, the results were astonishing. In just three months, I lost 10 kilos (22 pounds), and over 18 months, I shed a total of 60 kilos (132 pounds). My waist went from 54 inches to 32 inches. This transformation gave me energy, confidence, and a renewed zest for life.
But the most rewarding part was the impact on others. People started asking how I did it, which led me to develop the "Sharp Fit Transformational Toolkit." I began helping others achieve their fitness goals, proving that with the right mindset and tools, anyone can transform their life.
The key takeaway from my journey is this: Never let business get in the way of living your life. Prioritize your health, find balance, and remember to enjoy the ride.