Martrin Sharp Featured on BBC Radio York Daytime Show with Joanita Musisi talking about Heading to Nyaro Japan for Our Next Snow Sculpting Adventure - Lunch Time

Featured on BBC Radio York Daytime Show with Joanita Musisi talking about Heading to Nyaro Japan for Our Next Snow Sculpting Adventure - Lunchtime

interview press & media Feb 01, 2024

I was recently featured on BBC Radio York Daytime Show with Joanita Musisi talking about embarking on our latest snow sculpting adventure—this time in Nyaro, Japan with friend Justin Scott. BBC Radio York

After creating some amazing sculptures in Austria and Sweden, we’re excited to compete in the 21st International Snow Sculpting Competition, Japan Cup.

This year, we’re working on a project called "Inyo," a three-meter diameter sculpture inspired by the balance of light and dark in Japanese culture. The design features two embryos, symbolising human life and artificial intelligence, with a tunnel running through the centre to let light pass through. It’s a concept that blends traditional and modern elements, and we’re excited to bring it to life.

Preparing for a competition like this is unique, especially since we can’t practice with the right kind of snow here in the UK. Instead, we spend a lot of time planning, sketching, and visualizing how the final sculpture will come together. Once we arrive in Japan, we’ll have four days to carve and refine our design, each day focused on different aspects—from shaping to detailing.

This time, we have an extra team member—my wife Sarah will be joining us. It’s her first time snow sculpting, but she’ll be helping with everything from shaping the sculpture to keeping our work area safe and organised.

Over the years, Justin and I have tackled some incredible projects, from the massive Eddie the Eagle sculpture to intricate pieces like the Ringmaster and Jaws. Each sculpture has its own challenges, but this one feels particularly meaningful because of its cultural significance.

We’re setting off soon, with a long journey ahead—from York to Manchester, then to Tokyo, and finally to Ashikawa on Hokkaido Island. It’s going to be an adventure, and we’re ready to give it our all.

Thanks for your support, and we’ll make sure to share lots of photos from our time in Japan. We’re aiming for the top, and we can’t wait to see how it all comes together!