Martin Sharp Featured on BBC Radio Humberside Kofi Smiles Breakfast show sharing the story of our recent adventure in the Austrian Alps where Justin Scott and I competed in an international snow sculpting competition

Featured on BBC Radio Humberside Kofi Smiles Breakfast show sharing the story of our recent adventure in the Austrian Alps where Justin Scott and I competed in an international snow sculpting competition

interview press & media Jan 17, 2022

I was recently featured on BBC Radio Humberside Kofi Smiles Breakfast show sharing the story of our recent adventure in the Austrian Alps, where my partner, Justin Scott, and I competed in an international snow sculpting competition

A big thank you to Kofi Smiles and the rest of the Breakfast Show team!

We had the challenge of creating a massive sculpture of the iconic Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards using 100 tons of snow—and only five days to do it!

Last month, Justin and I headed to Austria with our tools packed, ready to bring Eddie to life. The project was huge—literally the size of a double-decker bus.

 As always, there were a few hiccups along the way, like when one of our shovels broke, and we had to work with a damaged one for the rest of the week. But we powered through, adapting to the challenges and relying on the support of a great team of snowcat drivers who helped move tons of snow each day.

Despite the tough competition, which included some of the world’s top sculptors and professional wood carvers, we managed to finish our sculpture just in time. Eddie, depicted mid-jump with the Olympic rings, stood tall in the snow, ready to inspire all who saw him.

We were thrilled to place fourth in the competition, especially considering the level of talent we were up against. Seeing the smiles on people’s faces, especially the kids who got to climb on our interactive sculpture and pretend they were Eddie soaring down the ski slope, made all the hard work worthwhile. It was fabulous to see families and couples enjoying our creation, taking photos, and sharing in the joy of the moment.

Looking ahead, Justin and I have been invited back to compete next year, and we’re already thinking about new projects. Justin is also exploring the possibility of a sand sculpting competition along the east coast, which would be a fun new challenge for us.

If you’re curious to see how our week went, we’ve posted videos on the Fit for Life Facebook page, where we shared daily updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses of our work. We’ve got a few more videos in the bag, so keep an eye out for those!

Thanks for following along with our journey, and I’m looking forward to what’s next. It’s been an incredible experience, and I can’t wait to see where our sculpting adventures take us next!